I must apologize to my faithful readers for the tardiness of these last few sets of photos. And more importantly, I must apologize for my severe lack of pictures in Torino. While the weather was less than optimal, I had a fantastic time with my excellent host Floriana. Since it was raining for much of the time, outside was not much of an option, so we spent time seeing the excellent Egyptian museum and the fantastic Cinema museum in the iconic Mole Antonelliana. On a side note, I very much enjoyed the pun in Torino: “Il Po l'adora” translated as “the Po loves her” with a play on the names of the two rivers of Torino, the Po and the Dora.
We also took a trip with several friends up into the mountains (to be honest, I’m not entirely sure where we went) for a night. Once again the rain would not abate, so the evening and next morning were spent relaxing inside and playing board games. Taboo is a very difficult game to play when you don’t speak the language very well. But I was able to get one right, only I didn’t know how to translate the answer to Italian. “Primo uomo” = First man = Adam = ?
Finally, we took a day trip to Cinque Terre before I headed to Florence. Here again I complain about the rain. Many of the walking paths were closed due to the weather, and nowhere would store luggage. Only in the final village was I able to drop it off and explore unburdened. Fortunately the rain wasn’t too bad and I was able to explore the towns. I shall definitely have to return to see it in the Italian sun.
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